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Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.


Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.



Our fund managers conduct quarterly webcasts where they discuss recent changes made to the portfolios, and take a look at positioning in the current market environment.

See the latest webcast series below. For the webcast archive, please click here

For professional investors only.



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Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.


Guinness rebrands Best of China fund

Guinness Global Investors has rebranded the firm’s Best of China fund to the Guinness Greater China…

Guinness launches OEIC versions of four Irish funds

Guinness Global Investors has launched four UK-domiciled OEICs of the firm’s Irish UCITS funds. The…

Investors' Chronicle: When to buy asset managers

Investing in companies that manage other people’s money is only fruitful if done at the right time

The funds that have come out on top in each of the past three (very different) years

Trustnet features comments from Ian Mortimer on the drivers of recent equity market returns.

Tightly wound Chinese economy poised to spring back into action

But easing of restrictions could open the Covid floodgates or heap more misery on global inflation…

Guinness Ventures led £2.7m funding round into Shotscope

Golf technology company Shotscope aiming for global expansion.

Electric vehicles are on the brink of mass adoption

With investing sustainably being at the forefront of future investment outlooks globally, see the…

Trustnet: how dividends will be crucial in a low-growth world

Guinness Global Investors’ Ian Mortimer explains why company pay-outs may prove crucial in the…

CAMRADATA’s Global Equity Whitepaper

Featuring an article by Matthew Page on how global equity income can help investors in an…