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Our Partnerships

We are proud to partner with organisations in areas that are important to us.

In areas complementary to our values and where we believe we can make a difference, we are pleased to partner with organisations either local to us (via our community work and outreach with schools) or with a global outlook.  

Our Partnerships

Sinfonia Smith Square

Sinfonia Smith Square

We are a proud Partner of Sinfonia Smith Square based at St John’s Smith Square – an orchestra like no other.


Like Guinness Global Investors, Sinfonia Smith Square looks from Westminster to a global horizon. Its fellowship brings together musicians from around the globe, while its former players occupy prominent seats in leading orchestras worldwide.

Beyond being neighbours, we share an emphasis on the nurturing of talent. For us, this is reflected in our low turnover of staff; for Sinfonia Smith Square, in the positive impact on the careers of its fellowship musicians.

Guinness Global Investors Player 2023/24

We are delighted to support Frank Walker for the 2023 fellowship.

‘Aside from the incredible experience of bringing great music to life with like-minded musicians, the things that draw me to a career in music are the places it takes me and the relationships it makes possible.’

Frank Walker, Horn

Frank Walker

Guinness Global Investors 20th Anniversary at Sinfonia Smith Square

Upcoming Event

Economic Outlook with Paul Johnson

The Intelligence Squared Economic Outlook, with Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is the economist who has set the terms of so much political debate over the past few decades in Britain. Having served as Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies since 2011, his expertise on matters of public spending and global economic trends have provided invaluable insight to the public and policymakers alike. Johnson’s column for the Times, as well as his acclaimed Austerity Audit for Radio 4, continue to define public discourse on economic policy and its implications.