Role: Tim is the founder of Guinness Global Investors and Guinness Atkinson Asset Management, our sister US business. Tim is portfolio manager on the Guinness Global Energy strategy and the Guinness Global Money Managers strategy.
Joined Guinness: 2003
Prior to Guinness: Tim has over 35 years’ investment experience. He founded Guinness Flight Global Asset Management Ltd in 1987 and was CEO (or joint CEO) from 1987 to 1999 and a portfolio manager of the Global Equity Fund. After Investec acquired Guinness Flight in 1998, he was Chairman of the company during the transition into Investec, as well as lead manager of the Investec Global Energy Fund. In 2003 he left Investec to set up Guinness Global Investors, which was appointed the outsource manager of Investec Global Energy Fund.
Education: Tim graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in engineering. He then completed a Master’s Degree in Management Science at the Sloan School M.I.T. in the United States.