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Insights & Videos

Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.


Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.



Our fund managers conduct quarterly webcasts where they discuss recent changes made to the portfolios, and take a look at positioning in the current market environment.

See the latest webcast series below. For the webcast archive, please click here

For professional investors only.



See more videos on our YouTube channel: Guinness Global Investors

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Sustainable Funds
Jonathan Waghorn

Why Guinness for Sustainability

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Sustainable Funds
Jonathan Waghorn

Why the Sustainable Energy Transition will occur

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Growth Funds
Dr Ian Mortimer

Guinness Global Innovators - Review of Q1 2023

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Equity Income Funds
Dr Ian Mortimer

Guinness Global Equity Income - Review of Q1 2023

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Equity Income Funds
Edmund Harriss

Why Should Investors Consider Asia for Income?


Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.


Citywire - The top-performing global divi strategy that doesn’t start with dividends

The Guinness Global Equity Income fund screens first and foremost for ROC.

Opportunities in Semiconductors

The semiconductor industry is at an innovation frontier which stretches into a wide range of growth…

Jones Food has one of the UK's 'most advanced' farms

The so-called vertical farm can grow salad three times as fast as traditional outdoor agriculture…

Trustnet - The European equity funds that have ticked (just about) all the boxes since 2021

Trustnet finds out which funds are topping IA Europe ex UK sector on a wide range of performance…

Emerging Markets Dividend Investing

The Guinness Asia & EM Equities team explain their differentiated approach to investing for…

Citywire - Veteran PM joins Guinness European equity income fund

Will James, who has 20 years’ experience, will work alongside Citywire A-rated Nick Edwards on the…

Portfolio Adviser - Guinness GI hires Premier Miton European equity income manager

Will James will co-manage the Guinness European Equity Income fund 

Investment Week - Guinness adds co-portfolio manager to European Equity Income fund

Will James joins from Premier Miton 

Portfolio Adviser - Bestinvest December buylist

'Guinness Sustainable Energy, which launched at the end of December 2022, also made its way onto…