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European Equity Income - December Commentary


Nick Edwards Portfolio Manager, European Equity Income



Will James Portfolio Manager, European Equity Income

This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus, supplement and KID/KIID for the Funds before making any final investment decisions. Past performance does not predict future returns.

In November, the Guinness European Equity Income Fund returned -1.7% in GBP while the MSCI Europe ex UK Index fell -1.5%. Over the year to date, the Fund is up 6.7% while the Index has risen 2.9%. Further performance data is shown below.

Sentiment turned decisively against European markets following the US presidential election and victory of Donald Trump with his ‘America First’ agenda. US equities were strong, but European equities fell as the market digested the potential for weaker terms of trade.

From the Fund’s perspective we feel we are well placed. We have no holdings in auto manufacturers, steel or other commodity areas that have historically been targeted with tariffs, or exposure to companies benefiting from uncertain US clean energy subsidies.

In this commentary we review the Fund's US sales exposure and key quality and valuation metrics. The Fund offers nearly twice the return on equity as the wider European market for a multiple and dividend yield (post withholding tax) in line with the market, driven by far lower levels of leverage.

Price/earnings ratio, return on equity and dividend yield (%)

Source: Bloomberg. Data as of 30.11.2024



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The information provided on this page is for informational purposes only. While we believe it to be reliable, it may be inaccurate or incomplete. Any opinions stated are honestly held at the time of publication, but are not guaranteed and should therefore not be relied upon. This content should not be relied upon as financial advice or a recommendation to invest in the Funds or to buy or sell individual securities, nor does it constitute an offer for sale. Full details on Ongoing Charges Figures (OCFs) for all share classes are available here.

The Guinness European Equity Income Funds are designed to provide investors with exposure to high-quality dividend-paying companies in the Europe ex UK region. The Funds aim to provide capital appreciation and a source of income that has the potential to grow over time. The Funds are actively managed and use the MSCI Europe ex UK Index as a comparator benchmark only.

Guinness European Equity Income Fund

The documentation needed to make an investment, including the Prospectus, the Key Information Document (KID) / Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the Application Form, is available from the website , or free of charge from:

  • the Manager: Waystone Management Company (IE) Limited, 2nd Floor 35 Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin DO4 A4E0 or,
  • the Promoter and Investment Manager: Guinness Asset Management Ltd, 18 Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ.

Waystone IE is a company incorporated nder the laws of Ireland having its registered office at 35 Shelbourne Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin, D04 A4E0 Ireland, which is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland, has appointed Guinness Asset Management Ltd as Investment Manager to this fund, and as Manager has the right to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of funds in accordance with the UCITS Directive.

Investor Rights
A summary of investor rights in English is available here:

In countries where the Funds are not registered for sale or in any other circumstances where their distribution is not authorised or is unlawful, the Funds should not be distributed to resident Retail Clients. NOTE: THIS INVESTMENT IS NOT FOR SALE TO U.S. PERSONS.

Structure & Regulation
The Funds are sub-funds of Guinness Asset Management Funds PLC, an open-ended umbrella-type investment company, incorporated in Ireland and authorised and supervised by the Central Bank of Ireland, which operates under EU legislation. The Funds have been approved by the Financial Conduct Authority for sale in the UK. If you are in any doubt about the suitability of investing in these Funds, please consult your investment or other professional adviser.

WS Guinness European Equity Income Fund

The documentation needed to make an investment, including the Prospectus, the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the Application Form, is available in English from or free of charge from:-

Waystone Management (UK) Limited, PO Box 389, Darlington DL1 9UF.

Waystone Management (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

In countries where the Fund is not registered for sale or in any other circumstances where its distribution is not authorised or is unlawful, the Fund should not be distributed to resident Retail Clients.

Structure & regulation
The Fund is a sub-fund of WS Guinness Investment Funds, an investment company with variable capital incorporated with limited liability and registered by the Financial Conduct Authority.